Bobcat (Bob)

Born feral(?)
TTVAR date: 11/14/97
Placed: 30 December 2000 (with Jan).

Bob the housecat:
Bob Bob Bob
Pictures in his colony days:
Bob Bob

Bob is a short-haired orange tabby, and has shown himself to be a true orange cat since being brought into the house.

He was at the colony from the beginning of Jan's work there. Initially he was all hiss and spit, but he mellowed over time. In December 2000, he had a bad cold, and was brought in for treatment. We found out that, in addition to the cold he had a minor heart murmur. The murmur went away with the cold, but Jan still wasn't comfortable with returning him to the colony.

It only took two months for her to stop calling him a foster.

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