Cat Placements -- Echo

[Abandoned 19 August 1999]
(estimated birth 15-22 July 1999)

Echo was abandoned along with her (assumed) siblings at about 5 weeks of age. Their story is here.

After all of her siblings were placed, Echo had the misfortune of being far too cute for Jan to let her go. She (Jan that is) can often be heard translating for Echo with dialog from Dinosaurs -- "I'm the baby, gotta love me."

She is finding her place in the crowded house with the latitude cats give to a kitten, transitioning into the position demanded by a personality that can't imagine a reason to be low on the status ladder.

Pictures, November 2002


Pictures, November 2001

It's a hard knock life:

Pictures, 1 April 2000

Echo the show cat:
Echo Echo

Pictures, September 1999

Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo

Pictures, August 1999

Echo Echo Echo
Photos courtesy of Scott Panzer, SVFF.

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Last updated 24 November 2002

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